Sponsorship Opportunities

Grace Hospital Day Sponsor

Grace Hospital Day

Grace Hospital Day is a Provincially Proclaimed day which happens on the second Friday in May. Hosted by the Grace Hospital Foundation, it’s a day to celebrate and give thanks to our community, patients and our staff.

Grace Gala Sponsor

Grace Gala

Join us for an elegant evening filled with music, featuring a premium auction and an exquisite dinner – all in celebration of a person deserving of the Pearl McGonigal Award for a lifetime of achievement.

Bocce Ball Sponsor

Bocce Ball Tournament

Each summer, Grace Hospital Foundation is thrilled to partner with local radio personality Joe Aiello in hosting a 160 player bocce ball tournament. The day is filled with such enthusiasm, excitement and a competitive spirit to win!

Winter Celebration Sponsor

Winter Celebration

Every winter, we light our bright and beautiful Tree of Life outside Grace Hospital. Over 3,000 white lights shine in memory of loved ones, and remind us of the hope we have in our hearts for patients at The Grace. To commemorate the lighting of the Tree of Life, we host an annual Winter Celebration filled with entertainment and a spectacular fireworks display.

Grace Hospital Foundation acknowledges that it provides services in facilities located on the original lands of Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota and Dene peoples and on the homeland of the Metis Nation. Grace Hospital respects that the First Nation treaties were made on these territories and acknowledge the harms and mistakes of the past, and we dedicate ourselves to collaboration in partnership with First Nation, Metis and Inuit people in the spirit of reconciliation.